So far I've red 3 chapters and I must say, I look forward to read the rest of the book.
Here's a little summary of the story so far:
The story starts in Holmes' house. They've found a stick of some sort in the woods and, with the help of Sherlocks Holmes brilliant mind, find out who the stick belongs to.
Then they get a visit from a doctor who tells them about a story about the Hound of the Baskervilles, which is about a large hound-like creature who'd supposedly killed one of the Baskervilles and is rumored to have killed many of the members of the Baskervilles. All of the victims lived in Baskerville Hall.
The doctor brings up articles from the local newspapers about the latest victim. Three people who lives nearby said that they saw a large houndlike creature right before the member of the Baskervilles died.
Now there's only one member left of the Baskervilles and the doctor wonders what they should do with him as he arrives with the train in less than an hour.
Testing Testing...